Saturday, December 21, 2013
What's a girl to do.....
When she has glitter to store?? Why make a paper dresser, of course! :-) When I saw this adorable file from The Cutting Cafe I knew just what I wanted it for. I have a small stash of glitter that I knew would fit perfectly inside of the sweet little drawers.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Stash Smashing Gingerbread House!
Hello my crafty peeps!!
I have a very special project to share with you today from SVG Cuts. BUT, before I get to it I would like to ask that you take a minute and like my Christy's Crafty Corner Facebook page. Thank you!!
This adorable gingerbread house gift box is from the new Happy Holidays SVG Kit that was just released. :-) The amazing thing is that this kit is FREE for a limited time...that's right! It's free!! Not only is this fantastic cottage part of the giveaway but there are 4 gift bag files in the kit as well.
I have a very special project to share with you today from SVG Cuts. BUT, before I get to it I would like to ask that you take a minute and like my Christy's Crafty Corner Facebook page. Thank you!!
This adorable gingerbread house gift box is from the new Happy Holidays SVG Kit that was just released. :-) The amazing thing is that this kit is FREE for a limited time...that's right! It's free!! Not only is this fantastic cottage part of the giveaway but there are 4 gift bag files in the kit as well.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Scrap Smashing Monday!!

Thanks for stopping in today!! I'm so excited to share a Scrap Smashing project that I did this weekend. As you might have noticed, I have been making a HUGE effort to use what I have on hand for projects. I have also wanted to be able to do some projects that will take advantage of all of the odds and ends of all of this beautiful paper that seem to accumulate when I craft.
Thanks for stopping in today!! I'm so excited to share a Scrap Smashing project that I did this weekend. As you might have noticed, I have been making a HUGE effort to use what I have on hand for projects. I have also wanted to be able to do some projects that will take advantage of all of the odds and ends of all of this beautiful paper that seem to accumulate when I craft.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sweet Little Gift bag
Good morning!
Today I have a gift bag to share with you. The file is from the Silent Night file over at SVG Cuts.
Today I have a gift bag to share with you. The file is from the Silent Night file over at SVG Cuts.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Kissing Ball
Good Morning! I hope all is well with you!!
Today I wanted to share a project that I have been playing with for about a week. I found the ornament in the SVG Cuts file called Silent Night. This file is so much fun -- the church is amazing (and yes, I will be sharing my version of it soon) but today I wanted to show you what I did with the ornament.
Today I wanted to share a project that I have been playing with for about a week. I found the ornament in the SVG Cuts file called Silent Night. This file is so much fun -- the church is amazing (and yes, I will be sharing my version of it soon) but today I wanted to show you what I did with the ornament.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Welcome Back!
I know that I have been off line for a bit BUT I'm back! The holidays are rapidly approaching and I have a LOT of new and exciting projects that I am excited to share with you! :-)
First up is a beautiful advent calendar that is so much fun! The Santa's Village Advent Calendar is from SVG Cuts and it is amazing. One of the things that I like best about this company is that they always put together amazing youtube videos with assembly instructions for their projects. This time around Mary also included a shopping PDF file that you can bring to the store with you so you know that all of your goodies will fit inside!
Here is the first calendar:
First up is a beautiful advent calendar that is so much fun! The Santa's Village Advent Calendar is from SVG Cuts and it is amazing. One of the things that I like best about this company is that they always put together amazing youtube videos with assembly instructions for their projects. This time around Mary also included a shopping PDF file that you can bring to the store with you so you know that all of your goodies will fit inside!
Here is the first calendar:
Sunday, April 28, 2013
My Pinque Peacock prize arrived!
I have to tell you....ever since I placed my Pinque Peacock order I have stalking the mail man! LOL I was SO excited yesterday when the mail came and my order had arrived!! I knew JUST what project I wanted to was only a matter of picking out what products I wanted to use. :-)
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Always Unique.....
Today I'm sharing a special project from Creative Kuts. It was made for Autism Awareness month and I hope you enjoy it!
Friday, April 26, 2013
CKC here I come!
Today I did something VERY fun! I headed up to Manchester, NH and went to the CKC Scrapbook Convention. :-) AND I went with the most amazing person MOM! Can life get any better?!?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Need a little extra cash?
Try Cash Crate....
I think we've all seen the make money taking surveys kind of sites. I've tried them once or twice and have never had good luck with them.
Recently I read a blog post about Cash Crate and decided to give it a try. The post I read stated that this was a COMPLETLY free site, so I was intriguied. :-)
I created an email account to use specifically for Cash Crate and signed up. I was quickly VERY happy about the dedicate email address -- I had about 7 emails in the first 3 minutes! The set up was very easy and not once did they ask for any money. They seemed to have the usual suspects of survey offers as well as some offers that I had never seen. From what I can gather you can choose to spend money on certain offers -- but that is up to you. You can certainly scroll right past those if you choose to.
Granted, I've only invested about 15 minutes so far but I'm already up to $6.45. I've taken surveys, watched a video, and searched the web. It looks like they won't cut a check for under $20, but that's OK...I can wait to see how this all works out. I'm not expecting to be able to quit my job BUT I wouldn't mind a little extra money coming in.
I did sign up through someones referral link so they will receive a percentage of what I generate, so if you are interested in joining Cash Crate I would ask you to use my link....just click the banner I have listed. :-)
I'll post every so often to keep you updated about my experience and if you sign up let me know what you think!
I think we've all seen the make money taking surveys kind of sites. I've tried them once or twice and have never had good luck with them.
Recently I read a blog post about Cash Crate and decided to give it a try. The post I read stated that this was a COMPLETLY free site, so I was intriguied. :-)
I created an email account to use specifically for Cash Crate and signed up. I was quickly VERY happy about the dedicate email address -- I had about 7 emails in the first 3 minutes! The set up was very easy and not once did they ask for any money. They seemed to have the usual suspects of survey offers as well as some offers that I had never seen. From what I can gather you can choose to spend money on certain offers -- but that is up to you. You can certainly scroll right past those if you choose to.
Granted, I've only invested about 15 minutes so far but I'm already up to $6.45. I've taken surveys, watched a video, and searched the web. It looks like they won't cut a check for under $20, but that's OK...I can wait to see how this all works out. I'm not expecting to be able to quit my job BUT I wouldn't mind a little extra money coming in.
I did sign up through someones referral link so they will receive a percentage of what I generate, so if you are interested in joining Cash Crate I would ask you to use my link....just click the banner I have listed. :-)
I'll post every so often to keep you updated about my experience and if you sign up let me know what you think!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
I was nominated for a Liebster Award :-)
Thank you Christine from for nominating me for a Liebster Award! I must admit that When I saw the nomination I was very excited....and then I had to go and figure out what a Liebster Award actually was! LOL
So, from what I can gather I am going to write 11 facts about myself, answer Christine's 11 questions, come up with 11 questions of my own for the 11 people I nominate to answer! ::phew:: I CAN do this!! LOL
So, from what I can gather I am going to write 11 facts about myself, answer Christine's 11 questions, come up with 11 questions of my own for the 11 people I nominate to answer! ::phew:: I CAN do this!! LOL
11 Facts About Me
1. I LOVE to craft. :-)
2. I've been married for 22 years.
3. I have 1 fabulous child...(who BTW is going to PSU in the fall...WOOP!)
4. I can parallel park a 40 ft. school bus.
5. I lived on Guam for 2 years.
6. I LOVE to bling things!
7. I purse/bag addiction.
8. MY COUSIN VINNY is my fav movie.
9. TWISTER is my FAV guilty pleasure movie.
10. I went by Chris until the 3rd grade....that year there was 5 Chris' in my class and some of them were BOYS!?! I've gone by Christy ever since.
11. I love my Samsung Galaxy S111! GREAT phone!
11 Questions to Answer
[One] What is one major goal you want to achieve in your lifetime?
To be able to make a living at being creative.
[Two] How many children do you want/have?
I have 1 daughter
[Three] Vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream?
Vanilla baby!
[Four] What is your dream job?
Something where I can be creative AND be able to share that with people.
[Five] What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
[Six] Do you have a go-to dinner meal? If yes, what is it?
My go to meal would be something pre-made and frozen -- hubby does all of the cooking...
How many TVs are there in your home?
[Eight] Do you watch the Super Bowl every year?
I do BUT it's mainly for the commercials and yummy party food! LOL I can barely follow the game!
[Nine] Name one thing you love but wish you didn't.
[Ten] What's your favorite name for a boy?
[Eleven] What's your favorite social media network?
11 Questions to Nominees
1. What is your favorite movie?
2. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
3. What is your favorite summer time fun?
4. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?
5. What is you favorite guilty pleasure movie?
6. Where did you grow up?
7. If you could live anywhere on earth where would it be?
8. Do you have a purse/bag that you REALLY want? Which one?
9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
10. Team Edward or Team Jacob?
11. Why did you start blogging?
11 Nominees
Michelle @
Crystal @
Friday, April 12, 2013
Birds and Butterflies and Boxers OH MY!!
A couple of weeks ago I alluded to a big project I was working on. Well, I was actually working on 2 projects at the same time (note to self: not the BEST idea, if you want to keep you sanity that is). I had to keep quiet about the projects because 1 of them was for a dear friend and coworker who is going through some difficult times right now....
It all started a couple of months ago when my Mom was trying to come up with centerpiece ideas for the Minister's luncheon in April. I had just been fooling around with a really cute idea for a "garden" centerpiece using tootsie pops as the "flowers" on the top of the box. Well, she LOVED the idea so it was a go. No problem! 10 gardens.....not needed until the end of April....I have this under control! :-) I searched through my collection of SVG files and found lots of choices that I could use for decorations on the sides of the box. I played with the layout and edited the selection until I was happy with the look.
I am delighted with how they came out!! Super cute and super fun to make!!
Around 5 weeks ago we found out that one of my coworkers was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is not able to work right now, her husband has been laid off for over a year, her elderly disabled mother lives with them and they have 4 children.
A couple of my friends organized a fundraiser for her (without her knowledge) to help out. While I was discussing the plans with them they told me they were planning on getting those "fruit arrangements" (you know what I mean...right??) to use as centerpieces... did I mention they need 23 of them?!? I said WAIT! Do you know how much that will COST?!?! I told them about the centerpieces I was making for the church and explained how I could modify them for the fundraiser.
They loved the idea and gave me the green light to make them. They had a graphic of a tough boxer chick that they had used for the t-shirts, tickets and a banner. I imported her into my SCAL2 program and went to town designing my ideas. She was an amazing piece of inspiration to use and I REALLY love how she came out.
Isn't she just ADORABLE?!?! I love her!!
So now I had 33 centerpieces to problem right?! WRONG! LOL I was up to my eyeballs in paper and realized that I *might* need some help. ;-) So Mom and I rallied our crafting peeps, set up a mega craft night at the church, and went to town making all 33 centerpieces. 16 fantastic ladies showed up to help and we were able to complete all 10 luncheon centerpieces and *almost* finish the fundraiser boxes.
While I could have done this all on my own (I'm not sure if my sanity would have survived) I am forever grateful for all of the help I received! The ladies did a fantastic job and really made my life easier!
So, I am giving a HUGE Thank You SHOUT OUT to the First Church craft group! We also had co-workers and friends come to help that evening and they were just amazing! The support you shared that evening is greatly appreciated! I also wanted to thank Cheryl from Creative Kuts, she helped edit the file down to actually make this boxer girl usable for this project. :-)
I think both centerpieces came out great! Let me know what you think!!
It all started a couple of months ago when my Mom was trying to come up with centerpiece ideas for the Minister's luncheon in April. I had just been fooling around with a really cute idea for a "garden" centerpiece using tootsie pops as the "flowers" on the top of the box. Well, she LOVED the idea so it was a go. No problem! 10 gardens.....not needed until the end of April....I have this under control! :-) I searched through my collection of SVG files and found lots of choices that I could use for decorations on the sides of the box. I played with the layout and edited the selection until I was happy with the look.
I am delighted with how they came out!! Super cute and super fun to make!!
Around 5 weeks ago we found out that one of my coworkers was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is not able to work right now, her husband has been laid off for over a year, her elderly disabled mother lives with them and they have 4 children.
A couple of my friends organized a fundraiser for her (without her knowledge) to help out. While I was discussing the plans with them they told me they were planning on getting those "fruit arrangements" (you know what I mean...right??) to use as centerpieces... did I mention they need 23 of them?!? I said WAIT! Do you know how much that will COST?!?! I told them about the centerpieces I was making for the church and explained how I could modify them for the fundraiser.
They loved the idea and gave me the green light to make them. They had a graphic of a tough boxer chick that they had used for the t-shirts, tickets and a banner. I imported her into my SCAL2 program and went to town designing my ideas. She was an amazing piece of inspiration to use and I REALLY love how she came out.
So now I had 33 centerpieces to problem right?! WRONG! LOL I was up to my eyeballs in paper and realized that I *might* need some help. ;-) So Mom and I rallied our crafting peeps, set up a mega craft night at the church, and went to town making all 33 centerpieces. 16 fantastic ladies showed up to help and we were able to complete all 10 luncheon centerpieces and *almost* finish the fundraiser boxes.
While I could have done this all on my own (I'm not sure if my sanity would have survived) I am forever grateful for all of the help I received! The ladies did a fantastic job and really made my life easier!
So, I am giving a HUGE Thank You SHOUT OUT to the First Church craft group! We also had co-workers and friends come to help that evening and they were just amazing! The support you shared that evening is greatly appreciated! I also wanted to thank Cheryl from Creative Kuts, she helped edit the file down to actually make this boxer girl usable for this project. :-)
I think both centerpieces came out great! Let me know what you think!!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Spring has Sprung!
Hello Blogging Peeps!
I know that I have been quiet for a couple of weeks but life got CRAZY. :-D I'm back on track now and things are settling down - thank God!
While I was knee deep in insanity I did find time to get several projects done. The first ones that I'm going to share are the last couple of BAPs from Creative Kuts. Also, they still have their incredible sale going on, just use the special code SPRING at the time of check out and receive 50% off all sales of $15 or more. The first 3 are from before Easter. They have a wonderful stained glass effect that is amazing. What is really fun about these files is that if you don't have a lot of time you can just use a single sheet of pretty paper. That is what I did with the cross and I LOVE how it came out!
I know that I have been quiet for a couple of weeks but life got CRAZY. :-D I'm back on track now and things are settling down - thank God!
While I was knee deep in insanity I did find time to get several projects done. The first ones that I'm going to share are the last couple of BAPs from Creative Kuts. Also, they still have their incredible sale going on, just use the special code SPRING at the time of check out and receive 50% off all sales of $15 or more. The first 3 are from before Easter. They have a wonderful stained glass effect that is amazing. What is really fun about these files is that if you don't have a lot of time you can just use a single sheet of pretty paper. That is what I did with the cross and I LOVE how it came out!
This weeks BAP is just too cute! I love how the card came out and I think that the bling adds just the right touch.
The latest Creative Kuts Design Team layout is stunning! I had so much fun putting this together! Cass helped me pick out the papers and I love the feel that it has. We are continuing with the owl theme and she is just too cute, I LOVE her eyelashes!! It was nice to transition from Easter to Spring....
The softer colors on the owl made for a nice twist and her hat is what every fashionable owl needs. :-)
I hope you enjoyed this layout as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Creative Kutz,
scrapbook layout,
Saturday, March 23, 2013
What a Totally "Owl" Some week!!
Between starting a new job, teaching this week's craft group, creating a special project (more on this at a later date!) AND working on my first COL for Creative Kuts I was pretty busy! I'm still trying to nail down my new schedule but I thought it was going to be a LOT crazier!! LOL
What I wanted to share with you today is the new Totally Owl-Some layout from Creative Kuts. The detail in this file is spectacular! I had so much fun picking out paper this week. I took my daughter to the store with me and she found a great pad from's called Once Upon A Time and it is BEAUTIFUL!! You can see two of the papers in this picture - they are the ones on top.
I got to cutting and had to think quick to keep track of all of the do you keep track? I ended up going with the mini zip top snack bags.
While we were at the store I picked up some ink pads. Up until now I was just using markers. I LOVE how all of the inking looks on the lay outs! You can also see where I added some detail with my pens.
These owls are just too cute for words!
I just LOVE how this layout turned out! Super cute and super fun!
I also wanted to let you know that Creative Kuts is having a GREAT sale right now! Spend a minimum of $15 and get 50% off your entire purchase just use the code: SPRING during checkout! Head on over and take a look! Their files are the BEST!!
Have a great night!
What I wanted to share with you today is the new Totally Owl-Some layout from Creative Kuts. The detail in this file is spectacular! I had so much fun picking out paper this week. I took my daughter to the store with me and she found a great pad from's called Once Upon A Time and it is BEAUTIFUL!! You can see two of the papers in this picture - they are the ones on top.
I got to cutting and had to think quick to keep track of all of the do you keep track? I ended up going with the mini zip top snack bags.
While we were at the store I picked up some ink pads. Up until now I was just using markers. I LOVE how all of the inking looks on the lay outs! You can also see where I added some detail with my pens.
These owls are just too cute for words!
I just LOVE how this layout turned out! Super cute and super fun!
I also wanted to let you know that Creative Kuts is having a GREAT sale right now! Spend a minimum of $15 and get 50% off your entire purchase just use the code: SPRING during checkout! Head on over and take a look! Their files are the BEST!!
Have a great night!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hoppy Easter....
Some Bunny Loves You!!
I LOVE this weeks BAP from Creative Kuts! The bunny is SO cute! Are you imagining it yet with different papers?? I am! In fact, I had a REALLY hard time choosing which papers to use. The look will change dramatically depending on what combination of paper you use.
Once I narrowed my choices down the rest was a piece of cake. The file cut beautifully and have to love that! Before I put all of the pieces together, I lightly inked all of the edges to give it a little POP.
And it went together as easily as it cut. :-) If you want, just keep it as a decorated door hanger. Either way, this bunny is just too cute!
Until next time!
I LOVE this weeks BAP from Creative Kuts! The bunny is SO cute! Are you imagining it yet with different papers?? I am! In fact, I had a REALLY hard time choosing which papers to use. The look will change dramatically depending on what combination of paper you use.
Until next time!
Creative Kutz,
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
What does being Creative mean to you?
When my daughter was little I received a piece of advice that I LOVE. I can't even remember what decision I was struggling with but someone wise told me:
Creativity Can Only Flourish Where Boundaries Exist
Not only did this apply to my daughter and how she was raised but I see it working everyday in my life. In regards to crafting I'm always looking to create something within my boundaries, usually it's HOW can I make "XX" without running out to the store to buy more "things." How can I make this project work for me? Do I have to learn something new or can I take what I already know and apply it here? If I have so buy something new, can I use this item in more than one way? Is it a multi-tasker?
I'm trying REALLY hard not to be a crafting hoarder! LOL There are so many projects that are just BEAUTIFUL and I want to try everything. :-) Pinterest? I can be there for hours!
So I guess to me being creative is not just making something beautiful but also seeing if I can make it using supplies that I already have on hand. Once I make something I will reevaluate and if I need to take a trip to Michael's then I will.
What do you think? What does being creative mean to you?
Until next time!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Shadow Box
I have been playing a lot with designing my own SVGs. For this project I took inspiration from several shadow boxes that I have seen for sale and wanted to try and create my own. I kept it very simple and just created as I went.

The box is 8x8 with different size cubbies built in. I cut "liners" for each opening and glued them together.
Then I put a backing on to pull it all together. I am really surprised at how sturdy this has turned out. I still have some more tweaking to do. I went back in and enlarged the glue tabs. I also am going to add a couple of holes to the top so I can add ribbon for a hanger.
Though I do think for my first test drive at a shadow box this has really turned out well!
Though I do think for my first test drive at a shadow box this has really turned out well!
Let me know what you think!
Easter Card
Good morning and happy Saturday!
Today I'm sharing another cute project from Creative Kuts. It is an adorable Easter Egg Slider Card that is super easy to put together. The exciting news is that as soon as I posted the finished project over at the Creative Kuts Fan Page they asked if I would like to join their design team.....ummm let me think about that for a second.......
I was very flattered and excited that they liked what I did with their file. :-) I really liked the fact that I was able to use up some of the beautiful paper scraps that I had been holding onto. They were just too beautiful to throw away and I KNEW that I would be able to find a project to use them on!!
All of the eggs are actually from one sheet of paper, I just moved each file around the mat so I could cut exactly where I wanted.
Once I started glueing everything together I realized that I wanted to have "pop" on some of the pieces so I inked the edges to add depth.
Until next time.....
Today I'm sharing another cute project from Creative Kuts. It is an adorable Easter Egg Slider Card that is super easy to put together. The exciting news is that as soon as I posted the finished project over at the Creative Kuts Fan Page they asked if I would like to join their design team.....ummm let me think about that for a second.......
I was very flattered and excited that they liked what I did with their file. :-) I really liked the fact that I was able to use up some of the beautiful paper scraps that I had been holding onto. They were just too beautiful to throw away and I KNEW that I would be able to find a project to use them on!!
All of the eggs are actually from one sheet of paper, I just moved each file around the mat so I could cut exactly where I wanted.
Once I started glueing everything together I realized that I wanted to have "pop" on some of the pieces so I inked the edges to add depth.
Isn't it the sweetest thing? The inking really added the definition I was looking for. I'm always excited when a simple technique can add so much to a project!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Welcome to Christy's Crafty Corner
Hi! I've been wanting to start blogging for a while but now that I've really gotten into papercrafting it is really time to start. :-)
While my current focus is papercrafting I really like anything creative. I've tried a lot of crafts and just love the process of creating something beautiful.
Thank you for joining me on my adventure and I look forward to sharing my projects with you!
While my current focus is papercrafting I really like anything creative. I've tried a lot of crafts and just love the process of creating something beautiful.
Thank you for joining me on my adventure and I look forward to sharing my projects with you!
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